The Gift of Feedback

Many leaders have difficulty giving “negative” feedback.  But here’s the truth… real constructive feedback is a GIFT that allows an individual to learn and grow.

Done well, constructive feedback is specific, timely, actionable, and occurs as part of a two-way dialogue that provides the recipient with the opportunity to react, respond, and participate in the development of an action plan. It is also associated with increased employee motivation and engagement.

Many avoid giving constructive feedback out of conflict-avoidance or fear of not being liked. However, there is a big difference between niceness and the true kindness that comes from feedback delivered with honesty and candor. And unfortunately, being nice and avoiding hard conversations doesn’t move anyone’s needle of performance.

How might a shift in mindset help you to when it comes to delivering honest and actionable feedback?

Luciana Diehl

Graphic & Web Designer based in Brooklyn - NYC

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